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Membership at a glance

There are three classes of memberships: Fellow Members, Ordinary Members and Associate Members. 

a. Fellow Members :

  1. Founder members of the Association;
  2. members who have been fellow members of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Association of Hong Kong as of 4th May 2001;
  3. subject to the approval of the Council, members who have become Ordinary Members as defined in (b) below for ten consecutive years and have served the Council for six consecutive years prior to application.

b. Ordinary Members :

  1. Corporate bodies of Hong Kong being authorized distributors of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Equipment or contractors whose names appear on the list of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Plants including ductwork, Groups I and II maintained by the Government Secretariat Works Bureau of Hong Kong SAR; and
  2. subject to the approval of the Council, members who have become Associate Members as defined in (c) below for five consecutive years and have served the Council for two consecutive years prior to application.
  3. members who have been ordinary members of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Association of Hong Kong as of 4th May 2001.

c. Associate Members :

  1. Corporate bodies of Hong Kong whose interests are in line with the Objects of the Association.